Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sick of Being Sick

I woke up Thursday morning with Quin's cold... but I had no idea this was far from a little cold! We went from me taking care of Quin, to Quin taking care of me in a matter of seconds. I asked for the day off Friday because I knew it was getting bad. Quin was in the bedroom every 2 hours giving me some sort of medicine since he had the day off Friday too. I had sinus pressure, a stuffed and running nose, a sore throat, and an ear ache. We were so sad because Quin had worked so hard all week with his cold and we just wanted to have a fun weekend that was shot! I took so much nyquil Friday night I passed out and woke up feeling so much better. I said I didn't want to lay in bed all weekend that I wanted to go bowling like we had been planning all week. So again Quin was in the bedroom every two hours stuffing medicine down my throat until it was time to leave. I stuffed my purse full of toilet paper, throat spray, and more sinus medecine. I felt like I was so out of it all night and I'm sure everyone can agree with that. I could barely hear because my ear was plugged! I still had fun and we had a lot of people there. We went to hooters for dinner, and then bowled the night away. I am still sick, stayed home yesterday too. But Quin came home with a miracle drug and I can finally breathe out of me noise for the first time! My lips were cracking that's how bad it was. I hope no one else gets this horrible cold/death! I am so sick of being sick!


Papa said...

I am so glad you are feeling better and hope you don't miss to much work...or fun! I wish you were here so mom could take care of you. :)

Lots of TLC and love, Dad!

Jen and Jaylie said...

i hope you feel better soon!!! :)