Jenny tagged me to do this. I am all about it because I want to update this thing but I can't find the cord to my camera... so.... this is my 6th picture in my 6th file.

Quin golfing. I love this picture, he is so cute! It was so funny when my parents were in town I showed them the picture and we started talking about how I always took pictures of myself on their camera so they had tons and tons of files of just me :D but Quin had told them he feels like a professional when I go because I'm constantly taking pictures of him and saying "SMILE BABY!" HAHAHAHAHA! Can't wait to learn to golf this year :D
I tag: Jen, Rachel, and Kristi. Everyone else I know has been tagged!
Yeah, your face still pops up every once in a while on your parents screen saver! Your too funny! You'll have to let us know how the golfing goes for you when you learn how. AND when are you coming down next? are you bringing the Boyfriend or what? I see an awful lot about him on here, and have yet to meet him!?
HAHA I love it! I will never be forgotten. I'm coming down in March for the double birthday, but Quin wants to come in the summer and meet everyone!!!
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